Talk Fragments

It is necessary to be solid.

Alberto Ballocca
2 min readJul 23, 2022

Talk fragments is the deepening of a super short written meditative phone-note i wrote few months ago, while reading a Plato’s poem.

I will break this little fragment down by translating a single word into Greek language and I will bring up to the surface the whole meaning behind it.

Photo by Yusuf Dündar on Unsplash

‘Talking is just making air vibrate, to dialogue is talking.’

Dialogue (English), Dialogo (Italian), Διάλογος -Diálogos (Greek)

Diálogos is a modern Greek derivative word, graphical union of Diàs διας + Logos λόγος = two words meaning Distance/Divide/Division *Fracture & Speech/Discourse/Argument/Topic/Word/Opinion/Ground.

In the course of linguistic evolution, structures of these words unified under the conceptuality of dialogue seen as the maximum distance between two points of view.

Dialogue word encloses true power of a real talk between two people discussing around an element, for example “feelings, mathematical axioms” or more topics with a complex thoughtful compound required.

Photo by Giammarco on Unsplash

If we bind to the archetypical meaning of words Diàs-Logos, while talking, we’ll discover that this concept in itself, is what allows us to openly express contrasts between our points of view and another totally different one, while managing to maintain mutual respect in relation to any difference expressed in the object of the dialogue itself.




Alberto Ballocca

Artist based in Italy | Specialized in Ancient cultures & Natural patterns / Articles in here expose my creative horizons 🔗